Market-Based Structured Settlements
Market-Based Structured Settlements
Jay Scarola is dedicated to connecting plaintiff attorneys and their clients with smart, effective financial solutions. Through his many years of experience working in the industry, Jay Scarola has established close relationships with reputable partners to offer market-based structured settlements as an alternative option to life insurance-based structured settlement programs.
Why Go With A Market-Based Structured Settlement?
Many attorneys and claimants find that market-based structured settlements are a great opportunity to enjoy tax-free income or tax-deferred income while still reaping the benefits of market-driven growth potential. There is significant flexibility of design in a market-based structured settlement allowing each individual to address their individual financial needs. Market-based structured settlements can be utilized in conjunction with structured settlement annuities to form a settlement solution that is truly balanced.
While a professionally managed investment-backed periodic payment obligation carries more risk, but the payoff is bigger, making it an extremely viable choice for younger clients who have discretionary settlement dollars and/or have the time to chance more of a risk. Traditional fixed-annuity-based structured settlements are still a viable option for plaintiffs. When the place and time are in the right place, market-based structures could function as a supplement, resulting in a larger amount of growth with available discretionary dollars from the settlement.
Settlements Plus
Settlements Plus works very similarly as a traditional structured settlement, but with a market-based investment portfolio serving as the financial vehicle versus an annuity. Claimants who choose to put their personal injury settlement proceeds in Settlement Plus have all the same income tax-free treatments associated with structured settlement utilities. Claimants who employ Settlements Plus for non-personal injury settlement proceeds also have the choice to defer taxes on their payments until they receive the payments. The claimant can choose to have their investments managed by a financial advisor or by a trustworthy financial institution.
Fee Structure Plus
Fee Structure Plus gives attorneys the option to invest their contingency fees in a market-based investment portfolio on a tax-deferred basis. Just like with Settlements Plus, the funds can be managed by the attorney’s own financial advisor or a financial institution. Payments are received on a pre-established periodic payment schedule, with tax obligation spread out over the course of the payments.
Treasury Funded Structured Settlement
A Treasury Funded Structured Settlement works similar to a traditional structured settlement, but utilizes United States Treasury Bonds as the seed investment rather than an annuity. A TFSS can be used by claimants of both non-physical and physical injury settlements, along with attorneys looking to deter their contingency fees.
Contact Us Today
Jay Scarola has spent the last two decades helping catastrophically injured clients optimize their settlement proceeds through the long-term financial stability and security of settlement funds. If you are seeking to establish any kind of settlement, you may need a console to maximize financial security. Call Jay Scarola to talk about settlement trust services today.